Oso Landslide Victims Benefit - April 4th, 2014

CMT Award Winner, Chance McKinney, will perform at the Oso Landslide Victims Benefit on April 4th, 2014 at the Tulalip Resort Casino  

It's not often we're called upon to help neighbors in such dire need, but when the opportunity arises, nobody can say the Pacific Northwest isn't up for the challenge!

Chance McKinney & Tulalip Resort Casino are proud to announce the OSO LANDSLIDE VICTIMS BENEFIT this Friday Night, April 4th at 9pm!

Goal: Donate $10,000 to the victims by night's end.

Formula: Get 500+ people through the door. (Please don't come if you can't part with $20 to help our Oso/Arlington/Darrington neighbors)

Process: Entertainment, Prizes, Special Appearances

Result: A great night... With great people... for a great cause.

Please visit the following websites for further details:

http://www.FaceBook.com/ChanceMcKinneyMusic    or  http://www.FaceBook.com/TulalipResortCasino